(203) 615-0090
(203) 615-0090

With the help of a tough, legitimate, and credible attorney, you could mitigate the impact of a Norwalk catastrophic injury. Compensation could be sought with the help of a legal professional today.

What Defines a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is an injury that affects someone’s life in every way: financially, physically, emotionally, anything that completely turns around someone’s life.

Differences From Average Personal Injury Losses

Catastrophic injuries are, often, more-severe injuries to the spinal cord or the brain. They differ from other injuries in degree.

Usually, catastrophic injury cases are much higher-value cases because the nature of the damages is much greater and therefore the recovery is much greater. If the person loses employment, the attorney takes into consideration the impact of a Norwalk catastrophic injury: the need for long-term care, the loss of quality of life, and whether the victim is thriving in society.

Impact to a Victim’s Long-Term Employment Options

Being able to maintain gainful employment plays a huge role in determining whether an injury is deemed catastrophic because, based on the severity of the injury, if one is not able to work anymore, it changes their life forever. It could cause other negative consequences such as not being able to provide for themselves or their family.

How Can a Victim Contact an Attorney If They Are Incapacitated?

Loved ones may reach out to an attorney because the person who suffered a catastrophic injury does not have the capacity to do so. That happens often when there are such serious injuries that the party with the catastrophic injury either lacks the capacity or is not conscious and unable to contact or hire an attorney to represent them in a catastrophic injury case.

If someone has suffered a catastrophic injury and they do not have the capacity to travel, to speak, or to move, attorneys could travel to the person and make every accommodation possible for the injured party to get them the best representation available. That could also include communicating with loved ones and someone who has a power of attorney and is able to make important legal decisions.

How Attorneys Could Help

Some ways that attorneys could help victims who have suffered catastrophic injuries include dealing with long-term medical and other life issues by obtaining the proper experts to help them map out the future. It is vitally important in a catastrophic injury case to have a game plan to get the person back to as close as normal as possible. That is not as always possible, therefore it is vitally important to consult with professionals who have helped the catastrophically injured who may never gain capacity or the capacity they had before the injury.

Contact Attorneys Who Understand the Impact of Catastrophic Injuries in Norwalk

The impact of a Norwalk catastrophic injury cannot be understated. If you have suffered a serious, life-altering injury, you need to partner with a team of attorneys who use aggressive tactics to hold responsible parties accountable.