(203) 615-0090
(203) 615-0090

Even seemingly minor accidents could be frightening and cause serious injuries, some of which could result in permanent, lifechanging consequences. This kind of trauma, known as a catastrophic injury, could involve the loss of a limb, brain damage, a spinal cord injury, burn injury, and more. If you or someone you love was gravely injured due to another’s negligence, a Stamford catastrophic injury lawyer could help you determine if you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries.

A tough, credible, and legitimate personal attorney could work diligently on your behalf to collect and preserve vital evidence and construct arguments that would strengthen your case.

The Time Limit for Filing a Stamford Catastrophic Injury Claim

One of the most essential components of any personal injury claim is the applicable statute of limitations, which is that statutory deadline by which the individual seeking compensation must file their lawsuit or risk being unable to recover damages from the at-fault party. Connecticut General Statutes §52-577 establishes a three-year time limit for catastrophic injury victims to bring a lawsuit for damages.

Conn. Gen. Stat. §52-590 is one possible exception to this general rule that could apply in rare situations. According to this statute, any time that the defendant spends outside the state following the accident is not counted in the three-year statutory window.

However, even if the at-fault party is not in the state of Connecticut, the injured individual must file their claim no later than seven years from the date of the accident. A Stamford catastrophic injury attorney could provide the victim with additional information about filing their claim and ensure that legal action was taken by the appropriate deadline.

Possible Recoverable Losses

Catastrophic injuries could reap detrimental effects on many aspects of the victim’s life, including their ability to earn a living. With assistance from a seasoned Stamford lawyer, a catastrophic injury victim could be able to recover a range of damages, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Loss of consortium with the individual’s spouse
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Pain and suffering

Comparative Fault in Stamford Catastrophic Injury Cases

Connecticut courts follow the comparative fault rule when awarding compensatory damages in catastrophic injury cases. This rule reduces or eliminates financial recovery in cases where the injured party is found to bear some level of liability for their losses. Under the state’s comparative fault rule, if the injured individual is responsible for 50 percent or more of their damages, they could recover nothing for their injuries.

However, if their level of liability is 49 percent or less, they could still recover damages, but the final amount would be diminished in proportion to the percentage of fault assigned to them. If the plaintiff is found to be 15 percent at fault and the defendant 85 percent at fault, for example, the plaintiff would still be able to claim 85 percent of their total damages.

Contact a Stamford Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today

If you suffered a catastrophic injury because of the negligence of another individual, you should have to shoulder the burden for the consequences that have befallen you alone. Speak with a Stamford catastrophic injury lawyer who uses aggressive tactics as soon as possible to explore your options to construct a strong case against the at-fault party and recover monetary damages. Call today to schedule your initial case consultation and get your questions answered.