In certain circumstances, trauma to any region of the spinal cord could lead to paralysis. The extent and severity of the paralysis is often dependent on the location of the trauma region. If you suffered a paralysis injury, it could be beneficial to consult with a Stamford paralysis injury lawyer who uses aggressive tactics to resolve claims. A committed catastrophic injury attorney could evaluate and investigate the details surrounding your injury and vigorously advocate for your legal interests.
While Connecticut law allows time for individuals who have suffered a paralysis injury to pursue a civil lawsuit and collect damages from the at-fault party, there are certain limitations. Connecticut law gives paralysis injury victims two years from the date of their injury to assert a lawsuit for damages.
If the individual’s injuries were not discovered could not have reasonably been found until a later time, the deadline commences from that date rather than the injury date. Another possible exception to the two-year statutory deadline is if the defendant left the state after the injury occurred but prior to the plaintiff filing a lawsuit. In such scenarios, the statutory deadline pauses or tolls, until the at-fault party returns to the state where the negligent act took place.
With that said, according to Connecticut General Statutes §52-590, no more than seven years can pass without the injured party filing a lawsuit. A seasoned paralysis injury attorney in Stamford could review the facts of the plaintiff’s case to ensure appropriate legal action before the statutory deadline runs out.
Connecticut follows the modified comparative fault rule that either diminishes or eliminates financial damages in the event the injured person shares part of the liability for their losses. Therefore, if the jury finds that the injured individual shares equal blame to or more blame than the defendant in a spinal cord injury case, the plaintiff would be unable to receive compensation.
However, if the injury victim is less than 51 percent at fault, they could still collect a damage award, albeit reduced proportionate to the percentage of fault assigned. So, if the plaintiff was found to be 25 percent at fault for their injury and the defendant was allotted 75 percent of the fault, the plaintiff could recover 75 percent of their total damage award.
While Connecticut law allows people who are hurt due to the negligence of another to secure compensation for their injuries, there are four distinct elements which must be proven to assert a successful negligence. A Stamford attorney handling a paralysis injury case for the victim would be required to establish the following:
Common damages that a paralysis injury victim could recovery monetary compensation for include lost income, medical bills, property damage, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.
A preventable accident or incident could turn your life upside down in an instant. The good news is, you do not have to face the aftermath of a catastrophic paralysis injury alone. Call a Stamford paralysis injury lawyer right away to schedule your introductory consultation and case review, and to find out what legal recourse you could pursue for your losses.